Not on Windows 11? Microsoft's new nag screen will remind you to upgrade

Windows 10 users will now be asked to upgrade to the latest version

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windows 11 nagging screen

Microsoft is notorious for pushing users to switch to new services, and we still remember the tedious prompt from the Mail & Calendar app that kept promoting Outlook.

It seems that Microsoft is continuing this nagging practice, and Windows 10 users should brace themselves for what’s about to come.

Microsoft is now nagging users to upgrade to Windows 11

As you may know, the Windows 10 lifecycle is coming to an end, and after October 14, 2025, the operating system will be retired. Microsoft has already shifted all of its focus to Windows 11, and it’s not releasing any new features to Windows 10.

According to TechRadar, starting with the April 2024 security update, Windows users on non-managed cloud-domain joined and domain joined business devices will get an invitation message to upgrade to Windows 11.

The message will appear after signing in and following a reboot on Windows 10 Pro and Pro Workstation devices that are eligible for Windows 11.

Users will be offered to get the update, schedule it, or keep using Windows 10. We don’t know if this message will appear every time you sign on or restart your PC, but that wouldn’t be a surprise to us at all.

Windows 11 is still behind Windows 10 in market share, and it currently holds around 25%, while its predecessor holds almost two-thirds of the market.

Sadly, this isn’t anything new, Microsoft used the same tactic when Windows 10 was released, and it worked despite the user outcry, and it will work again.

Will you bite the bullet and make the switch or will you deal with nagging screens? Let us know in the comments!

More about the topics: Windows 11